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Tribute to Christine Schlendorf

July 11, 2021

Dear Ascend Community,

We extend our deepest condolences to the family of longtime Ascend Charter Schools Board member Christine Schlendorf. Christine lost a long battle with cancer this May at the age of 46.

As an architect with Perkins Eastman for two decades, Christine designed memorable and engaging K-12 learning spaces for children in the U.S. and abroad. As a member of the finance and real estate committees for the Ascend Charter Schools Board, Christine ensured that all of Ascend’s school facilities were designed with children’s learning needs in mind.

Ascend held a special place in Christine’s charitable giving. Most recently, her foundation, the Peter Schlendorf Foundation, provided critical funding to create the Ascend learning center which provided vulnerable Ascend students in-person learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Dozens of Ascend students in Central Brooklyn had a space to attend school each day and engage in their learning because of her charitable vision.

Our entire Ascend school community is grateful for her unwavering commitment to Ascend’s mission and to the wellbeing of our scholars.

Recy Dunn
Chief Executive Officer
Ascend Learning

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